Pumping and Piping Studies & Designs

Lockwood Siphon Rehabilitation Study, Pleasant Hill, CA Client: CCWD
The Lockwood Siphon is located along the Contra Costa Canal in Pleasant Hill, near the intersection of Pleasant Hill Road and Gregory Lane. The siphon conveys water through a low lying area near Grayson Creek. The siphon is approximately 1,800 feet in length with an inside diameter of 62 inches. The design capacity of the canal in this section is 102 cfs. Dr. Lewandowski performed a cost effectiveness evaluation for the rehabilitation of the Lockwood Siphon, comparing costs of annual lost water with cleaning and repair costs. The approximate water loss during normal flow conditions was estimated by stream gaging type measurements. The cost of the lost water over a 50 year period was compared with the potential repair costs to ensure a cost effective project. Specifications were developed for dredging of the sediments from the siphon and the repair of potential separated joints and longitudinal cracks along the siphon.

Untreated Water Pipeline Routing Study, Zone 7 Water Agency, Alameda County, CA
Dr. Lewandowski performed a routing study for the proposed In-Valley conveyance pipeline. This pipeline would be used to convey water from the Chain-of-Lakes to the vineyard areas in the southern portions of Livermore and to the SBA, freeing capacity within the South Bay Aqueduct. Altamont Water Treatment Plant Siting Study, Zone 7 Water Agency, Alameda County, CA Dr. Lewandowski was project engineer for the screening of the Altamont water treatment plant sites. The site evaluation and screening for the proposed Altamont plant included a review of engineering, operations, geotechnical, and environmental criteria for ten separate sites. By comparing issues related to each site, four were selected for further analysis and screening in the EIR process.

Multi-Purpose Pipeline Routing Study, Contra Costa Water District, CA
Dr. Lewandowski has performed a pipeline routing study which included five optional routes for a multi-purpose pipeline planned for the Contra Costa Water District. The District conveys water from the Delta to Central Contra Costa County by a canal passing through the water service area. The multi-purpose pipeline was proposed to parallel approximately twenty miles of the canal to provide additional reliability for water supply in the event of canal failure and to meet capacity needs of the district. The five potential routes included two within the canal right of way, two within surface streets, and one along the railroad right of way. Construction cost estimates for each route were developed, and an environmental assessment was performed for each route.

Moorpark Water Pump Station Predesign, Simi Valley, CA
In the predesign of the Moorpark Pump Station for the Calleguas Municipal Water District in Simi Valley, CA, Dr. Lewandowski developed the system head curves and pump curves for the pump station. Operational procedures included a number of different pumping scenarios to both low and high heads, with varied flow rates, and use of a pressure reducing station to reduce pump discharge head. Variable speed drives were added to the pumping units to meet the wide range of operating heads and flow rates. He also assisted in development of the pump station layout.

Well and Membrane Treatment System, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District, UT
Dr. Lewandowski was project engineer for a groundwater extraction and treatment system for the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District in Utah. The system involved the extraction of groundwater from eight to ten wells, with conveyance to membrane treatment plants for ultimate discharge into the municipal distribution system. The analysis included the sizing of distribution pipelines and selection of the location and total number of treatment plant sites. Hydraulic conditions were developed for each of the alternatives. A cost analysis included the capital and replacement costs of pipelines and treatment plants and the operating costs for power, chemicals, and membrane replacements for 50 years.

Land Disposal Facility for Wastewater Effluent, Washoe County, NV
Dr. Lewandowski was project engineer, supervising technical staff in design of pump station and wheel-move irrigation units necessary for disposal of treatment plant effluent at the CDB irrigation facility in Washoe County, Nevada. The project included an analysis of power and piping cost tradeoffs under various piping layouts.

Pipeline Protection at Creek Crossing, Alameda County, CA
Dr. Lewandowski was project engineer for the analysis of measures to protect a pipeline adjacent to a streambed in the Alameda Creek/Calaveras Creek Erosion Study. Flood flows during a peak storm event caused erosion of the backfill of a raw water pipeline constructed adjacent to the Calaveras and Alameda Creeks. Dr. Lewandowski developed and reviewed methods to protect the pipeline location and to prevent further erosion of these areas during future flood events, including stream training structures and riprap coverings.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Design, St. Peters, MO
Dr. Lewandowski performed detailed design of the headworks building at the St. Peters, Missouri wastewater treatment plant. Design included a screw-type pump station with debris removal by rotating arc bar screen and Pista-type grit removal system. He was also responsible for specification of equipment necessary for operation of the headworks.
Dr. Jeff Lewandowski, P.E., C 52503

Advanced Hydro Engineering

3082 Cafeto Drive, Walnut Creek , CA 94598

(925) 639-7053

E-mail Jeff Lewandowski : http://www.ahydroeng.com/

Dr. Lewandowski is a registered professional engineer in the State of California, and has 30 years of professional experience in water related systems analysis and modeling, including:

Drinking Water Systems
Wastewater Systems
Storm Drain Systems
Subsurface Drainage

His clients appreciate his strategic and practical solutions, his easy to understand explanations of project results and his attention to maintaining the project schedule and budget.