Water System Master Planning

Martinez Water Master Plan Update – Martinez, CA
Dr. Lewandowski was project manager for a Water Master Plan update for the City. The City’s raw water supply, water treatment capabilities, and treated water distribution system were assessed to ensure that projected water demands can be delivered through year 2020. The City’s distribution system includes eleven reservoirs and six pumping stations serving four pressures zones. Four additional hydropneumatic systems serve areas outside the pressure zones. Operating criteria were developed using City water system standards and proposed state requirements. Current and future water demands were estimated and allocated using land use designations from the General Plan. Historical peaking factors were calculated and design values selected. The Water Treatment Plant capacity, pumping station capacity, and reservoir use for each pressure zone were analyzed and compared against demand requirements to determine appropriate sizes for additional pumping and storage needs. The impact of the City’s peak water demand conditions on the water distribution system was determined by modeling. Transmission capacity and storage needs were identified and increased as necessary. Distribution system and pumping modification were identified to provide added redundancy. The update provided recommended improvements and estimated costs for capital improvement projects required for an adequate and reliable water supply.

Winters Water Distribution Master Plan – Winters, CA
Dr. Lewandowski assisted with technical review and development of distribution system improvements for the City of Winters master plan. The City currently draws groundwater for their supply. Fire hydrant testing was set up to determine pipe C values for calibration. Improvements necessary to provide maximum day plus fire flow conditions required both pipeline improvements and additional wells. Additional well studies were proposed to verify well operating conditions.

Burlingame Water Distribution Master Plan – Burlingame, CA
Dr. Lewandowski assisted with technical review and development of distribution system improvements for the City of Burlingame master plan. The planning approach involved altering the system inflow from the SFPUC from a constant pressure condition to a constant flow condition. Potential locations for additional required storage were identified and modeled. A reduction in the number of service zone and the simplification of system operation was proposed. The analysis included extended period simulation to determine the amount of turnover in the storage tanks.

Zone 7 Water Distribution Master Plan, Alameda County, CA
For the Zone 7 Water Agency, Dr. Lewandowski was project engineer on the distribution system hydraulic analysis and master planning of the various water supply alternatives. The distribution system analysis used the Zone 7 H2Onet model to determine pipeline sizing for the fourteen alternatives considered. System operations with varying groundwater and treatment plant supply capacities were modeled.

Water Distribution Master Plan, Mount Prospect, IL
In Mount Prospect, the city planned to remove its single elevated storage from service and needed to determine the operational changes required in the system. Dr. Lewandowski simulated maximum day, maximum hour, and storage replenishment flow conditions under anticipated future demands. He also determined locations and cost of necessary improvements to maintain adequate system operation at future demand conditions.

Water Distribution Master Plan, Coon Rapids, MN
At Coon Rapids, the improvements identified to meet future demands included raising the city's existing elevated storage tank. Dr. Lewandowski simulated maximum day, maximum hour, and storage replenishment flow conditions under anticipated future demands. He also determined locations and cost of necessary improvements to maintain adequate system operation at future demand conditions.

DERWA Recycled Water System Analysis, CA
As project engineer for the DERWA model updates, Dr. Lewandowski made a thorough review of the numerical model used for the distribution of recycled water. He has assisted in modeling of update simulations which include moving the storage tanks and creating a looped system. He has also identified where the existing model peaking factors may have underestimated the amount of storage needed for the system. Model simulations included review of the potential to downsize transmission pipelines by providing additional storage in the system.
Dr. Jeff Lewandowski, P.E., C 52503

Advanced Hydro Engineering

3082 Cafeto Drive, Walnut Creek , CA 94598

(925) 639-7053

E-mail Jeff Lewandowski : http://www.ahydroeng.com/

Dr. Lewandowski is a registered professional engineer in the State of California, and has 30 years of professional experience in water related systems analysis and modeling, including:

Drinking Water Systems
Wastewater Systems
Storm Drain Systems
Subsurface Drainage

His clients appreciate his strategic and practical solutions, his easy to understand explanations of project results and his attention to maintaining the project schedule and budget.